

When the circuit initializes it displays the character "M" as it is programmed. Pressing decrease button (left button in the breadboard) counts the characters backward  and pressing (right button in the breadboard) increase button  counts forward.
Mehmet Yılmaz 03.04.2017
With this circuit, the push-button information is sent to the phone via the HC-06 bluetooth module. The circuit must be fed with 5Vdc.
The circuit's work: When it press the first button when it is send "Teknomerkez - Teknoloji Merkezi" text to the phone.
Mehmet Yılmaz 28.03.2017
The circuit is shown how to make the 7-segment display with pic ASM. The circuit is feeding with 5 volt.
Mehmet Yılmaz 25.03.2017